To really manage change 

Edition 2019 issue

Chaos's theory
Managing chaos
Complexity and change
Tolerance to uncertainty
Power ans uncertainty
The survival's conditions
Change and autonomy

Notion of semi autonomy
The semi autonomy's parameters
Pictures of semi autonomy
Power and semi autonomy
From power to strenght
About semi autonomy...
Manager and semi autonomy
Fractal organization
Clientele's integration

The prospective
The challenge's upright !
The turnaround of organizations
The management's tree
Change and mobilization
Mirage or reality ?
The truncated vision
Change beyond the facade
The spiral effect
The sensitive management

The coaching in management
The manager's commitment
From integrity to integration
The integration in managing change
Management and staging
Change at "half mast" !
Changing ourselves !
Changing and self image
Visibility and credibility
The fear in power
The screen of methodology

The iceberg of culture
Changing organizational culture
The cultural impregnation
Small/medium- sized firm and change
Change and politics
The "politicaly correct" change !
The political cost of changing
To politicize change
The politico administrative networking
The internal political management (1)
The change's maze
The catallyst effect

Change and perception
Change and ambivalence
Change and transition
Change and attitudes
Change and contingency
Structures and change
The conduct of change
Change and time
The time's quadrants
The headlong rush

The change's learning
The learning's obstacles
The resistance to change
The insidious resistance
The fear to change
The change's language
Managing gaps
To emerge from emergency
The insecurity's tranference !

Some links...

Nouveau: The internal political management (2)

Trois séries d'ateliers-conférences sont disponibles: apprivoiser, manager et politiser le changement. Si vous souhaitez organiser ou participer à ces différents ateliers, vous pouvez parcourir le résumé de leur contenu en ligne

The publication, at the Press of l'Université du Québec, of the book Le Temps de l'incertitude: du changement personnel au changement organisationnel (ISBN 2-7605-1225-8) don't more allow to have access to some site's pages. In fact, the book contains many idea from the web site. Then, don't hesitate to buy it ! On the other side, the web site becomes the book's extension.


The impact of a butterfly !

The chaos's theory sustains that because of the sensitivity to the initial conditions, the wings's beat of a butterfly somewhere in Africa could provoke an hurricane in America ! It can appear difficult to believe it but this image invite us to review our usual approach to the reality.

Like the abundance of order drives irreparably to the mess, a new order can emerge from the chaos insofar as one accepts to review some paradigms and if we give ourselves the means to decode the future.

To nurrish your thought or ro arouse your curiosity, you may, after lookg at these pages, to browse the links or suggested readings. You can also use the search engine that indexes all this web site.

This web site is construct to allow you to walk around in change from differents points of view. Acording to your interest about change, like its impacts or the management, the texts at left will guide you across the web site.

In the months to come, all the pages will be translated. If you want to know more about this topics, or if you are interested by lectures or workshops on these subjetcs, you can click on Prospect Gestion at the top of every page.

To come back to the index page, you will have only to click on icon, at the bootom of every page. Have a nice trip !

Raymond Vaillancourt

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Prospect Gestion offre une inscription gratuite par groupe à toute personne contribuant à l'organisation d'un groupe de vingt à vingt-cinq participants payants pour l'une ou l'autre des trois séries d'ateliers-conférences. Pour les détails de cette offre, vous pouvez communiquer avec l'auteur.
En partenariat avec PROSPECT-GESTION, MEETING THE FUTURE vous propose, en France, des ateliers sur le changement organisationnel.

Parution d'un article intitulé La vision saturante dans le dernier numéro de la revue française de prospective appliquée Lookout.

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